Taubman College

Professor Roy Strickland publishes editorial in the Urban Planning and Design Journal

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Roy Strickland, Professor of Architecture, has published the editorial, "Research and Reading for Use in Urban Design," as an introduction to the April 2013 issue of the Urban Planning and Design Journal (UDP).

UDP is a peer-reviewed publication of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Britain. Strickland presents the journal's articles by means of synthetic diagramming, an approach he uses in his TCAUP urban design studios and seminars to help students identify the potential for integrating diverse research and theoretical readings in their design work (in this case articles focused on urban conditions and design strategies in Africa, Europe, the Middle East and Southeast Asia).

Strickland is a member of UDP's editorial advisory board. The article may be found at icevirtuallibrary.com/content/issue/udap/166/2.